Everything you need for multisite installations
- Each webspace has its own page tree
- Define localizations individually for each webspace
- Choose a different theme for each webspace
- Templates can be reused across webspaces
- Templates can be restricted to be used only with certain webspaces
- Complete freedom when defining URLs for pages
- Define a different URL generation strategy for each webspace
- Intelligent, domain-specific sitemaps
- Front-end and back-end users managed securely in one central place
- Fine-grained front-end and back-end permissions for each webspace
- Copy pages between different webspaces
- Centralized asset management across all websites
- Internal links to other webspaces
- Default snippets for each webspace
- Webspace-specific analytics integrations (Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, Matomo)
- Webspace-specific custom URLs
- Webspace-specific asset permissions
- Webspace-specific search, both in the administration interface and on your website
- Quickly setup, synchronize, and keep an overview of settings with developer-friendly XML configuration
Create and configure a new webspace with XML
A developer can define a new Webspace by making any necessary modifications to the example XML file, which is included with a fresh Sulu install, as described in the documentation. Having a configuration file like this avoids storing configuration in the database, which makes for easier deployment in different environments, and easier data exchange between different environments, e.g. when testing with real content. A separate config file also reduces the chance of websites breaking after going online, because configuration cannot be modified accidentally.
Bear in mind that the Symfony cache also needs manual clearing in dev mode.
Execute init command
Initialize your new Webspace with a shell command which automatically carries out tasks such as creating the homepage and setting up website routes.
Add permissions for the new Webspace to your user roles
Grant your editors permission to work with the new Webspace while logged in as an administrator. Sulu doesn’t grant access by default so you can keep tight control over security.
Start managing content
Editors manage the Webspace’s content in its own tree, as well as the locales defined in the above XML file.
See for yourself
We’d love to show you around Sulu so you can see how businesses benefit from its features and why developers love it. Get in touch and we’ll give you an online tour via video call.