Alexander Schranz
Core Developer – Sulu GmbH
Core developer and support king. So dedicated to his work that we couldn't find a hobby to mention.

Sulu Release 2.4.10 & 2.5.6

We published two new versions of Sulu, 2.4.10 and 2.5.6. They both come with some improvements and bug fixes. With these new versions, we now have over 300 releases on our sulu/sulu core package. 

Bug fixes for new Symfony release

With the latest release of Symfony, there was a small backward compatibility break. This was triggered by a false usage of a method in our compiler pass. If you run into the following error message:

!!  #message: “Cannot use positional argument after named argument”
!!  #code: 0
!!  #file: “./vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/ContainerBuilder.php”
!!  #line: 1060
!!  trace: {
!!    …
!!    ./vendor/sulu/…/RouteBundle/…/RouteGeneratorCompilerPass.php:52 {…}
!!    …
!!  }

a Sulu update to 2.4.10 or 2.5.6 will fix it!

Improvments and fixes by the community

A big thanks again to our beloved community for their contributions to the Sulu core. You can see all the new contributors in the 2.5.6 release notes. From accessibility fixes, to improvement of the code quality with types, and even bug fixes, our community didn't hesitate to jump in. Thanks to you all.

Upgrading your project

For a step-by-step guide on upgrading your project, we encourage you to look at our Upgrading Sulu 2.x documentation. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or problems during the upgrade process. Its important read the in this release because a database upgrade is needed.

What is coming next?

We are working on new features for Sulu 2.6. They include a long-requested feature from Content Managers so they can know which media is used inside which page. Additionally, we wanted to not only make this possible for media, but for all kinds of models and entities. Our general solution is called the SuluReferenceBundle. In the first release we will focus on the most-requested entity, the Media feature. As we move forward, the reference bundle will also be able to be used for your custom entities — more to come in a future blog!

We are happy to hear your feedback about newly released features and bug fixes. Feel free to create an issue or a discussion on GitHub for bugs and feature requests. You can also contact us via Slack or our Website anytime.