Fixed common npm build errors and improved error handling
We improved the JavaScript setup in our skeleton repository to prevent common npm build problems. Sulu will now validate the node and npm version when building the administration interface. Unfortunately, the setup is not yet compatible with npm 7 as it runs into a known npm issue related to local packages. The setup works best with the current LTS version of node (14) which is shipped with npm 6.
Added support for portal route loader for non-bundles
Sulu allows you to define routes that are relative to the URL configuration of the webspace. Until now, it was only possible to use this feature for routes inside a bundle. With the new release, the portal route loader also supports files inside the project.
Community contributions
Besides the bugfixes by our team, we also got some contributions from our community. I want to thank @plozmun, @StaffNowa, @loic-cariou, and @Xheradon for their efforts to improve Sulu. Have a look at the changelog to see all the changes included in the releases.
2.3.0-RC1 released
We are happy to announce that we managed to tag the first release candidate for the upcoming 2.3.0 version of Sulu. Among other improvements, the new minor version will include a SuluActivityBundle that allows you to see what's happening in the application. Furthermore, the release significantly improves validation inside of forms and finally supports using the current block instance inside conditions.
Feel free to give the new release candidate a shot in your project. We are very grateful for any feedback!
Upgrading your project
We encourage you to have a look at our Upgrading Sulu 2.x documentation when upgrading your project. The documentation provides a step-by-step guide to upgrading Sulu in your projects. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or problems during the upgrade process.
If you want to try the release candidate of the 2.3.0 version in your project, you can use "~2.3.0-RC1" as version constraint for the sulu/sulu package in your composer.json. Make sure to have a look at the file in the sulu/sulu repository when updating your project.
What is coming next?
Beside the stable release of Sulu 2.3.0, we are working on improving our SuluHeadlessBundle and SuluContentBundle. The next step for the SuluContentBundle will be using it to implement an experimental Content Storage in the SuluArticleBundle.
We are happy to hear any of your feedback about newly released features and bug fixes. Feel free to create an issue or a discussion on GitHub for any bugs and feature requests. You can also contact us via our Slack channel anytime.